
Association Management


One of the most common misconceptions happens when "Association Management" is mistaken for "Property Management", and not just by the general public. Many active "Association Managers" are misleading their clients by making the exact same mistake themselves. Ultimately, this is inefficient and can cost an association thousands of dollars every year.

So, what is Association Management?

Firstly, it is ANCLA Management's aim to properly define these two distinct services so there is no confusion. Each services requires a specific set of expertise and ANCLA is proficient in both.

Association management is a distinct field of management because of the unique environment of associations. Associations are unique in that the "owners" are dues-paying members. Members also govern their association through an elected board or other governing body, along with association committees, commissions, task forces, councils and other units. Typically, the board selects, retains and evaluates a chief executive officer or an executive director who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association and paid staff.

Managers within the association environment, such as ANCLA Management are responsible for many of the same tasks that are found in other organizational contexts. These include human resource management, financial management, meeting management, IT management, and project management. Other aspects of management are unique for association managers. These include: membership recruitment and retention; tax-exempt accounting and financial management; development of non-dues revenue and fundraising. Association managers must also be familiar with laws and regulations that pertain only to associations.



ANCLA Management carries out the directives of the Board and fulfills the administration of all day-to-day operations and customer support. In addition to providing the management team on-site (or however needed), we also provide experienced financial, technical and human resources personnel from our Head Office.

Some of the most common tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Enforcement of the Community Documents Rules and Regulations

  • New owner/tenant screening process

  • Property inspections

  • Monthly management reports and recommendations

  • Requested proposals and bids are solicited and presented

  • Assist the Board of Directors in negotiations of contracts

  • Supervision of independent contractors

  • Preparation of Annual operating budget and reserves

  • Maintenance of Association files, residents/lessee's, legal documents, correspondence

  • Hurricane/Emergency Procedures

  • Preparation of Annual meeting & election of new board

  • Preparation of meeting notices

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ANCLA Management provides timely and accurate financial information to the Board as requested or needed. We assist the Board in the assessment of the community's financial reports, and offer counsel in the preparation of operating budgets.

When required, Online Bookkeeping, or remote bookkeeping, is also a service ANCLA can provide. This allows remote access for bookkeepers and accountants. All entries made into the online web application are recorded and stored in a remote location. The online software can be accessed from any location in the world and permit the bookkeeper or data entry person to work from any location with a suitable data communications link.

Furthermore, ANCLA has the capabilities to process all transaction in-house on the same day they are received, including deposits as well as payments.

So, no more "the bank did not process on time" situations to deal with. This saves time, money, keeps the assoociation's accounts current and vendors relotionships in good standings.

General Maintenance

ANCLA Management is fully staffed to tend to all your maintenance needs. We have a preferred vendor's list, but to avoid any conflict of interest, we also do our due-diligence to source the best possible vendor at the best price for the particular task.

ANCLA provides everything from:

  • basic cleaning services

  • trained janitors

  • handymen

  • painters

  • roofers

  • electricians

  • elevators

  • plumbers

  • back-flow maintenance

  • concierge services

  • and much, much more...

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ANCLA turned out to be the the missing piece to our puzzle...

/  Michael Wellings  /